“An open presentation by the Sports & Recreation Alliance – take this opportunity to find out just what is happening and how it can affect your sport in the future at the Wisbech race. The presentation will take place at 15:30 on the day of the race.
FISS like most of skatings governing bodies has been a member of The Sports & Recreational Alliance for some time but we are the only wheeled skating discipline which has been prepared to engage with them in the voluntary governance program for sporting governing bodies which they have been tasked to run. What this actually means to us and our members at present is probably something of a mystery to our clubs and to our members.
Amanda Bennet is the Governance Consultant for the Alliance and is attending the Wisbech race to explain why this issue is so important to our members, our clubs and to us as a sport.
The Alliance along with other organisations is also likely to be attending and presenting at our AGM but in order to gain the most benefit from this the FISS board would strongly recommend that all clubs provide at least one representative to attend this Initial brief presentation. All skaters from any skating discipline are most welcome to attend.
Amanda’s presentation will cover:
· An introduction to the SRA – who we are what we do
· Why good governance in sport? The rationale and risks of failing to act
· The Voluntary Code of Good Governance – background, the principles and how it can help sports organisations
· Questions
To find out more about the challenge:
To find out more about The Sports &recreational Alliance team and take a look at Amanda’s biography:
Come along, introduce yourself and our sport to Amanda”