Event Details

Saturday 13th May 2023

9am – 4pm

Oval Park, Hatfield Rd, Langford, Maldon, Essex CM9 6WG

Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/5j5eUheg5sRmKCECA

Essex Skating Club are excited to invite you to their first race at their outdoor training ground; Oval Park, Maldon. Gates open at 9am, with racing commencing at 10.15am and medal ceremony at 3.30pm.

The track itself is oval in shape and similar to a road race in terms of the surface. By popular demand, there will be medals for every race rather than just an overall category winner. And you will have the opportunity to set the very first track record for your age category and receive an Oval Park Track Record Certificate as well as a medal.

The facilities are fantastic, including clean toilets, access to water, easy on site parking and great spectator viewing.

Novice skaters (those new to the sport/racing and young children) are welcome and there will be a set of three races aimed at this beginner level.

Please arrive promptly as the gates will shut at 9.30am to allow for a warm up on the track and there will be no movement of cars after this time.

There will be a raffle featuring local hampers so please bring along some cash. Tea and coffee will also be available to purchase.

Registration will close on 3rd May 2023.

Cost £10


Day at a glance

09.00 – 09.30                             Registration

09.30                                          Gates close

09:30 – 10:00                            Warm up

10:00 – 10:15                            Timing Equipment Check

10:15 – 12:00                            Racing (All Categories first and second distances)

12:00 – 12:45                            Lunch break (raffle and relay selection)

12:45 – 15:30                            Racing (Final Category races, Relays)

15:30 – 16:00                            Presentations


Category Events:

Category 1: 1 Lap Time Trial, 5 Laps and 20 Laps

Category 2: 1 Lap Time Trial, 5 Laps and 15 Laps

Category 3: 1 Lap Time Trial, 4 Laps and 10 Laps

Category 4: 1 Lap Time Trial, 4 Laps and 10 Laps

Category 5: 1 Lap Time Trial, 3 Laps and 5 Laps


Mix Sprint Knockout Relays

C1, 2 & 3

C4, 5 & 6

 Novice Races


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